Nu mai aruncati banii pe orice fel de vitamine
Cumparati frecvent vitamine de la supermarket sau farmacii ?
Mai mult ca sigur nu primiti ceea ce va asteptati pentru respectivii bani.
Necesarul zilnic de vitamine, minerale, enzime, ar fi ideal sa-l primiti din alimentatia zilnica si sa suplimentati doar cand e necesar si numai cu ceva de calitate;majoritatea vitaminelor comercializate sant sintetice si fac mai mult rau decat bine!
Cum sa procedati?
Cititi cu atentie eticheta. Fiti atenti mai ales la “alte ingrediente”; ele pot fi:talc,coloranti,silicon,ingrediente de origine animala,s.a.
Vitaminele penteru copii, colorate si cu gust de bomboane contin coloranti artificiali si iongrediente ca aspartamul – cunoscut ca neurotoxic.
Nu va mai otraviti copiii !
In concluzie: intrebati-va de fiecare data cand cumparati vitaminesau minerale: ce ingrediente contin, de unde provin ele, si mai ales-sant ele intr-o forma usor absorbabila de catre organism ?
Mancati cat mai des fructe si legume proaspete si pe cat posibil organice si de sezon. Suplimentati DOAR cand e nevoie si DOAR cu produse de inalta calitate.
“Pentru ca meritati !”
Do you currently buy your vitamins at the local grocery store, bulk club store, pharmacy, etc? More than likely, you are not getting what you paid for and are doing more harm than good. Getting your daily dose of vitamins and minerals should come from food, and only then should you supplement with high quality products when necessary. Many store bought vitamins contain harmful ingredients and chemicals. Synthetic vitamins are cheaply made and are in non-absorbable forms so your body does not get any nutritional benefits.
Stop wasting your money and harming your body.
Beware of the term "other ingredients," these can include: talc, dyes, sodium benzoate, methylcellulose, carnauba wax, silicon/titanium dioxide, animal parts, and artificial ingredients.
Gummy or kids' fruit-flavored chewable vitamins, designed to be colorful and taste like candy, are loaded with possible carcinogenic, artificial ingredients and food dyes. The first ingredient in many of these children's vitamins is: glucose syrup. Other ingredients include: Blue #2, Red #40, Yellow #6 and aspartame, the known neurotoxin. Voluntarily feeding children these "vitamins" is doing more harm than good; stop poisoning your kids.
Please stop willingly ingesting these chemicals and causing damage to your body, instead of helping it.
These vitamins do anything but promote health.
Remember, quality over quantity
Ask yourself, what are the ingredients? Where do the ingredients come from? Are the vitamins/minerals in absorbable forms?