Biochimia individuala si necesarul de nutrienti
In cartea sa “Individualitatea biochimica” Roger
Williams – biochimist si nutritionist- spune ca necesarul pt un anume nutrient
poate varia de la o persoana la alta foarte mult.
Nutrientii esentiali sant substante pe care
organismul nu le poate produce. Luand in considerare dieta total
dezechilibrata, superprocesata si aditivata a zilelor noastre, este mai mult
decat evident ca ea determina multe dintre bolile cronice cu care ne
confruntam. Vestea buna e ca,tot prin dieta si siplimentarea ei la nevoie si personalizat,putem sa si intervenim asupra lor.
Relatia nutrienti-genom are dublu-sens: necesarul
nutritional este dependent genetic iar nutrientii influenteaza stabilitatea
genomului; ei actioneaza ca antioxidanti si co-factori in metabolismul si
reparatiile AND-ului.
Modificarile genetice datorate chiar unei
deficiente nutritionale moderate pot rivaliza cu cele determinate de factorii
de mediu cunoscuti cancerigeni (radiatii, substante chimice, etc).
Dupa cum foarte sugestiv spune profesor-doctor
Gheorghe Mencinicopschi: “suntem ceea ce mancam dar si ceea ce NU mancam”.
In his book, Biochemical Individuality, biochemist and nutrition pioneer Roger Williams
showed that requirements for any given nutrient may vary from person to person.
These exceptional needs might be due to differences in digestion, absorption,
excretion, enzyme patterns or other causes.
Essential nutrients are substances that the body cannot make, or cannot make in adequate amounts. Given the sad state of today's diet, it is more than likely that many of our chronic "lifestyle" diseases are the result of dietary shortcomings and will; therefore, respond to dietary interventions.Unmet nutritional needs will sooner or later lead to health problems.
Essential nutrients are substances that the body cannot make, or cannot make in adequate amounts. Given the sad state of today's diet, it is more than likely that many of our chronic "lifestyle" diseases are the result of dietary shortcomings and will; therefore, respond to dietary interventions.Unmet nutritional needs will sooner or later lead to health problems.
Not only do nutrient requirements depend on
genetic individuality but nutrients in turn are crucial for genome stability;
they act as antioxidants and co-factors for enzymes involved in DNA metabolism
and repair. In fact, genome damage caused by even moderate micronutrient deficiencies rivals damage from environmental
factors like chemical carcinogens or radiation.
Roger J. Williams, Biochemical individuality, John Wiley & Sons, 1963
Roger J. Williams, Biochemical individuality, John Wiley & Sons, 1963
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