
luni, 20 august 2012

Hraneste-te cu 'SOARE'

Hraneste-te cu 'SOARE'

Gabriel Cousins medic si homeopat- ne sfatuieste sa mancam cat mai natural si cat mai putin gatit sau procesat. El afirma ca "mancarea fara foc"contine lumina de la soare care se transfera astfel in corpul nostru.

Mancarea gatita si mai ales cea super-procesata din supermarket incarca organismul cu o multitudine de toxine si ''intuneric''. Evitati-o pe cat posibil si faceti periodic (de doua ori pe an) cure de detoxifiere.
Gabriel Cousins offers some interesting information about the sunlight that's available and accessible from uncooked foods from nature. He tells us that there is light energy - literally energy from the sun - in uncooked foods from nature. He also tells us that when foods are cooked, this light energy dissipates or leaves the foods.
It's an argument that when you eat uncooked natural foods, you are literally putting the sun's powerful energy into your body. And when you apply a spiritual layer over this, it's easy to see why folks eating lots of uncooked foods from nature tend to develop higher consciousnesses.
This is in opposition to eating diets of mostly cooked foods, which as seen from this perspective would be dark, or having no light. Regularly eating animals and chemicals is also putting darkness into your body, and eating fearful animals is a good way to make yourself fearful. It's not commonly known, but this energy does transfer. And since psychologists tell us that there are only two basic human emotions, love and fear, with this, we start to see how we create our own emotional, and therefore energetic states, by what we put in our bodies.

Doing deep detoxification is a powerful method to remove the "stored darkness". Then,  begin avoiding the dark foods and chemicals, and start adding to your body lots of foods that hold light.

Green leafy vegetables are known to hold the most light energy.  Health Ranger
Gabriel Cousens is an American physician, homeopath, and spiritual writer who practices holistic medicine and advocates live foods therapy, a nutritional regimen which he says can cure diabetes, depression and other chronic degenerative diseases
Sources for this article include:

duminică, 5 august 2012


Lansata initial in Japonia, apoi in SUA. nutricosmetica rezolva problemele cosmetice de la 
interior spre exterior.
Ne ajuta sa ne pastram sanatatea si tonusul vital prin aportul de substante biodisponibile 
care ajung direct in sange si de aici in celule.

Termenul se refera la suplimentele alimentare care sustin structura si functia pielii.

Este noua tendinta in industria de infrumusetare . Nu mai e suficient sa faci o baie cu spuma , sa aplici o lotiune de corp si un ‘’norisor’’ de parfum. Trebuie sa ‘’mananci FRUMUSETE’’.
Expertii in ‘skincare’ afirma ca nutricosmeticele sant mai eficiente si au efecte mai  stabile.

Cele mai apreciate nutricosmetice sant cele care contin vitamina C – un antioxidant deja faimos si care intervine in productia de colagen din derm, acizii grasi Omega 3 , flavonoidele si beta-carotenul care protejeaza pielea de efectele nedorite ale soarelui..
Piata mondiala a nutricosmeticelor valoreaza azi 1 miliard de dolari si se estimeaza ca in urmatorii  ani , alaturi de piata de ‘’welness’’ va avea o tendinta ascendenta.

“Frumusetea vine din interior’’ nu mai e o vorba goala.